Dockerfile Filetype
Please use the combined Dockerfile and docker-compose Filetype
Dockerfiles and docker-compose filetypes are now merged into one filetype. Therefore this filetype for only Dockerfiles files will not be kept updated.
Go to the filetype Dockerfile and docker-compose Filetype instead.
Dockerfile is a file format used to build Docker images.
Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as “containerization”
This page describe how to add basic Dockerfile syntax highlighting on Geany.
Add the following lines to ~/.config/geany/filetype_extensions.conf under the respective sections [Extensions] and [Groups]
[Extensions] Dockerfile=Dockerfile;dockerfile;*.dockerfile;*.Dockerfile; [Groups] Script=Dockerfile;
Save the configuration file below in your Geany filetype definition files config directory, e.g. ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.Dockerfile.conf
- filetypes.Dockerfile.conf
# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation # # Geany Color Syntax support for Dockerfiles # # version 0.2 # # 0.1 - original version # 0.2 - base on Sh instead - fixes problems with //, #, /* [styling=C] [keywords] primary= ADD ARG CMD COPY ENTRYPOINT ENV EXPOSE FROM HEALTHCHECK LABEL ONBUILD RUN SHELL STOPSIGNAL USER VOLUME WORKDIR [lexer_properties=C] [settings] lexer_filetype=Sh tag_parser=C extension= # single comments, like # in this file comment_single=# # set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any # indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d #command_example(); # setting to false would generate this # command_example(); # This setting works only for single line comments comment_use_indent=true # context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details) context_action_cmd=xdg-open ""