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users:dmaphy [2011/05/17 21:31] dmaphyusers:dmaphy [2018/10/01 15:12] (current) – SVN -> Git dmaphy
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-  * excessively testing Geany and Geany-Plugins from [[http://www.geany.org/Download/SVN|newest SVN]]+  * excessively testing Geany and Geany-Plugins from [[https://www.geany.org/Download/Git|latest Git master]]
   * maintaining some Geany concerned websites like [[http://plugins.geany.org/]] and [[http://newsletter.geany.org/]]   * maintaining some Geany concerned websites like [[http://plugins.geany.org/]] and [[http://newsletter.geany.org/]]
-  * maintaining the Geany-Plugin [[http://plugins.geany.org/geanygdb.html|GeanyGDB]] 
   * maintaining the Fedora packages of Geany and Geany-Plugins ([[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dmaphy|Profile at Fedora]])   * maintaining the Fedora packages of Geany and Geany-Plugins ([[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dmaphy|Profile at Fedora]])
   * [[https://wiki.fsfe.org/Fellows/dmaphy|Fellow]] of [[http://fsfe.org/|Free Software Foundation Europe]]   * [[https://wiki.fsfe.org/Fellows/dmaphy|Fellow]] of [[http://fsfe.org/|Free Software Foundation Europe]]