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snippets:start [2011/05/29 22:08] – move into snippets namespace enricosnippets:start [2011/06/03 16:57] (current) – wording enrico
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 ====== Snippets ====== ====== Snippets ======
-[[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#user-definable-snippets|Snippets]] are small strings or code constructs which can be replaced or completed to a more complex string. So you can save a lot of time when typing common strings and letting Geany do the work for you. To know what to complete or replace Geany reads a configuration file called ''snippets.conf'' at startup.  To edit the ''snippets.conf'' filewith Geany open, go to Tools->Configuration Files->snippets.conf.  Refer the the [[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#user-definable-snippets|Geany Manual]] for more information about Snippets.+[[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#user-definable-snippets|Snippets]] are small strings or code constructs which can be replaced or completed to a more complex string. So you can save a lot of time when typing common strings and letting Geany do the work for you. To know what to complete or replace Geany reads a configuration file called ''snippets.conf'' at startup.  To edit the ''snippets.conf'' file with Geany open, go to Tools->Configuration Files->snippets.conf.  Refer the the [[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#user-definable-snippets|Geany Manual]] for more information about snippets.
-The pages below are separated into sections based on the programming language the Snippets apply to.+The pages below are separated into sections based on the programming language the snippets apply to. 
 +<nspages -subns -title -simplelist -exclude:start -nopages -textns="">
-{{topic>snippet -c}} 