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howtos:win32:console [2011/06/03 17:35] – created biomathjdailyhowtos:win32:console [2022/11/19 12:02] (current) – Update tags enrico
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-==== General ====+===== Terminal Connectivity in Windows using Console ===== 
 This HowTo documents how to integrate Geany with [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/|Console]] using [[http://www.autohotkey.com/|AutoHotKey]] in Windows. This is useful since the terminal emulation feature is absent in geany on windows. Console is a tabbed wrapper for terminal-like programs in windows, and can be used as a shell to run anything from cmd.exe, python, rterm, etc. to Midnight Commander. AutoHotKey is a scripting language and interpreter that specializes in process management and keyboard shortcuts.\\ This HowTo documents how to integrate Geany with [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/|Console]] using [[http://www.autohotkey.com/|AutoHotKey]] in Windows. This is useful since the terminal emulation feature is absent in geany on windows. Console is a tabbed wrapper for terminal-like programs in windows, and can be used as a shell to run anything from cmd.exe, python, rterm, etc. to Midnight Commander. AutoHotKey is a scripting language and interpreter that specializes in process management and keyboard shortcuts.\\
 ==== Setup ==== ==== Setup ====
   * Download and install Console 2.0 and AutoHotKey.   * Download and install Console 2.0 and AutoHotKey.
   * Configure Console's tabs. To run shells other than cmd.exe, just go to Edit > Settings > Tabs. From here add another tab using Add and provide an appropriate function in the shell option.   * Configure Console's tabs. To run shells other than cmd.exe, just go to Edit > Settings > Tabs. From here add another tab using Add and provide an appropriate function in the shell option.
   * Create the file AutoHotKey.ahk in your 'My Documents' folder. Alternatively, running AutoHotKey.exe will automatically generate this file. Just delete the contents.   * Create the file AutoHotKey.ahk in your 'My Documents' folder. Alternatively, running AutoHotKey.exe will automatically generate this file. Just delete the contents.
   * Paste the following script into the file, replacing the path on line 5 with your path to Console, and the argument DefaultTab with the name of the tab you specified in Console:   * Paste the following script into the file, replacing the path on line 5 with your path to Console, and the argument DefaultTab with the name of the tab you specified in Console:
-<code autohotkey>+<code autohotkey AutoHotKey.ahk>
 TestConsole() TestConsole()
 { {
Line 62: Line 65:
 To change these bindings, replace the #1, #2, or #3 in the above script with bindings that can be found [[http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm|here]]. To change these bindings, replace the #1, #2, or #3 in the above script with bindings that can be found [[http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm|here]].
-{{tag>howto win32}}+{{tag>howto windows}}