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howtos:sorted_keyboard_shortcuts [2013/09/11 20:24] – Add list of keyboard shortcuts, sorted by key (contributed by Richard Hardwick) enricohowtos:sorted_keyboard_shortcuts [2024/05/29 15:25] (current) – better formulation ralf3u
Line 4: Line 4:
 offers some keyboard shortcuts ('File/New'  = Ctrl+N, ...; 'Edit/Undo' = Ctrl+Z, ..). offers some keyboard shortcuts ('File/New'  = Ctrl+N, ...; 'Edit/Undo' = Ctrl+Z, ..).
-The following table lists  all the built-in shortcuts.+The following tables list all the built-in shortcuts
 +Customizable shortcuts are marked as **(C)**.
 You can make more! For how to do this, see  You can make more! For how to do this, see 
Line 12: Line 13:
 ===== Built-in shortcuts ===== ===== Built-in shortcuts =====
-^ Shortcut^Result^Description^ + 
-F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| + 
-| F2|Switch to Editor|Switches to editor widget. Also reshows the document statistics line (after a short timeout).| + 
-| F4|Switch to VTE|Switches to VTE widget.| +==== MOVING AROUND IN THE DOCUMENT==== 
-| F5|Run|Executes the current file in a terminal emulation.| + 
-| F6|Switch to Scribble|Switches to scribble widget.| +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
-| F7|Switch to Search Bar|Switches to the search bar in the toolbar (if visible).+|Home|Go to Start of Line|Move the caret to the start of the lineBehaves differently if smart_home_key is set.| 
-| F8|Compile|Compiles the current file.| +|End|Go to End of Line|Move the caret to the end of the line.| 
-| Shift-F8|Make object|Compiles the current file with the Make tool.| +|Alt-Home|Go to Start of Display Line|Move the caret to the start of the display line. This is useful when you use line wrapping and want to jump to the start of the wrappedvirtual line, not the real start of the whole line. If the line is not wrapped, it behaves like Go to Start of Line.| 
-| F9|Build|Builds (compiles if necessary and links) the current file.+|Alt-End|Go to End of Display Line|Move the caret to the end of the display line. If the line is not wrapped, it behaves like Go to End of Line.| 
-| Shift-F9|Make all|Builds the current file with the Make tool.| +|Alt-Up|Scroll up by one line|Scrolls the view.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-F9|Make custom target|Builds the current file with the Make tool and a given target.| +|Alt-Down|Scroll down by one line|Scrolls the view.| 
-| F11 (C)|Fullscreen|Switches to fullscreen mode.| +|Ctrl-Shift-L|Scroll to current line|Scrolls the current line into the centre of the viewThe cursor position and or an existing selection will not be changed.| 
-| \\ |  +|Ctrl-L|Go to line|Focuses the Go to Line entry (if visible) or shows the Go to line dialog.
-| End|Go to End of Line|Move the caret to the end of the line.| +|Ctrl-B|Goto matching brace|If the cursor is ahead or behind a bracethen it is moved to the brace which belongs to the current one. If this keyboard shortcut is pressed again, the cursor is moved back to the first brace.| 
-| Home|Go to Start of Line|Move the caret to the start of the line. Behaves differently if smart_home_key is set.| +|Ctrl-M|Toggle marker|Set marker on the current line, or clear the marker if there already is one.| 
-| Tab|Word part completion|When the autocompletion list is visiblecomplete the currently selected item up to the next word part.+|Ctrl-,|Goto previous marker|Goto the previous marker in the current document.
-| Tab|Complete snippet|If you type a construct like if or for and press this key, it will be completed with a matching template.| +|Ctrl-.|Goto next marker|Goto the next marker in the current document.| 
-| \\ |  | +|Ctrl-/|Go to Previous Word Part|Goto the previous part of the current word.| 
-| Alt-Down|Scroll down by one line|Scrolls the view.| +|Ctrl-\|Go to Next Word Part|Goto the next part of the current word.| 
-| Alt-End|Go to End of Display Line|Move the caret to the end of the display line. If the line is not wrapped, it behaves like Go to End of Line.| +|Alt-Right (C)|Navigate forward a location|Switches to the next location in the navigation history. See the section called Code Navigation History.| 
-| Alt-Home|Go to Start of Display Line|Move the caret to the start of the display lineThis is useful when you use line wrapping and want to jump to the start of the wrapped, virtual line, not the real start of the whole line. If the line is not wrapped, it behaves like Go to Start of Line.| +|Alt-Left (C)|Navigate back a location|Switches to the previous location in the navigation history. See the section called Code navigation history.| 
-Alt-Left (C)|Navigate back location|Switches to the previous location in the navigation historySee the section called Code navigation history.| +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
-Alt-PageDown|Move line(s) down|Move the current line or selected lines down by one line.| + 
-Alt-PageUp|Move line(s) up|Move the current line or selected lines up by one line.| + 
-| Alt-Right (C)|Navigate forward a location|Switches to the next location in the navigation history. See the section called Code Navigation History.| +==== MOVING THE DOCUMENT==== 
-| Alt-Shift-L|Select current line(s)|Selects the current line under the cursor (and any partially selected lines).| + 
-Alt-Shift-P|Select current paragraph|Selects the current paragraph under the cursor which is defined by two empty lines around it.| +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
-Alt-Shift-W|Select current word|Selects the current word under the cursor.| +|Ctrl-Shift-PageDown|Move document right|Changes the current document with the right hand one.| 
-Alt-Up|Scroll up by one line|Scrolls the view.| +|Ctrl-Shift-PageUp|Move document left|Changes the current document with the left hand one.| 
-\\ |  | +|Ctrl-PageDown (C)|Switch to right document|Switches to the next open document.| 
-| Shift-Alt-D|Insert date|Inserts a customisable date.+|Ctrl-PageUp (C)|Switch to left document|Switches to the previous open document.| 
-| \\ |  +|Ctrl-(C)|Zoom In|Zooms in the text.| 
-| Ctrl-(C)|Select all|Makes a selection of all text in the current document.| +|Ctrl-<nowiki>-</nowiki> (C)|Zoom Out|Zooms out the text.| 
-| Ctrl-B|Goto matching brace|If the cursor is ahead or behind a brace, then it is moved to the brace which belongs to the current one. If this keyboard shortcut is pressed again, the cursor is moved back to the first brace.| +|Ctrl-0|Zoom Reset|Reset any previous zoom on the text.| 
-| Ctrl-C (C)|Copy|Copy the current selection to the clipboard.| +|F11 (C)|Fullscreen|Switches to fullscreen mode.| 
-Ctrl-D|Duplicate line or selection|Duplicates the current line or selection.| +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
-Ctrl-E|Toggle line commentation|Comments a line if it is not commented or removes a comment if the line is commented.| + 
-| Ctrl-F (C)|Find|Opens the Find dialog.| + 
-| Ctrl-G|Find Next|Finds next result.| + 
-| Ctrl-H (C)|Replace|Opens the Replace dialog.| +==== FINDING TEXT, SELECTING TEXT ==== 
-| Ctrl-I|Increase indent|Indents the current line or selection by one tab or by spaces in the amount of the tab width setting.| + 
-Ctrl-K|Delete current line(s)|Deletes the current line (and any lines with a selection).| +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
-| Ctrl-L|Go to line|Focuses the Go to Line entry (if visible) or shows the Go to line dialog.| +|Ctrl-F (C)|Find|Opens the Find dialog.| 
-| Ctrl-M|Toggle marker|Set a marker on the current line, or clear the marker if there already is one.| +|Ctrl-G|Find Next|Finds next result.| 
-| Ctrl-N (C)|New|Creates a new file.| +|Ctrl-Shift-G|Find Previous|Finds previous result.| 
-| Ctrl-O (C)|Open|Opens a file.| +|Ctrl-Shift-F|Find in files|Opens the Find in files dialog.| 
-Ctrl-P (C)|Print|Prints the current file.| +|F7|Switch to Search Bar|Switches to the search bar in the toolbar (if visible).| 
-Ctrl-Q (C)|Quit|Quits Geany.| +|Ctrl-Shift-E|Find Usage|Finds all occurrences of the current word (near the keyboard cursor) or selection in all open documents and displays them in the messages window.| 
-| Ctrl-(C)|Reload file|Reloads the current file. All unsaved changes will be lost.| +|Ctrl-Shift-D|Find Document Usage|Finds all occurrences of the current word (near the keyboard cursor) or selection in the current document and displays them in the messages window.| 
-| Ctrl-(C)|Save|Saves the current file.| +|Alt-Shift-W|Select current word|Selects the current word under the cursor.| 
-| Ctrl-T|Go to tag definition|Jump to the definition of the current word or selection. See Go to tag definition.| +|Alt-Shift-L|Select current line(s)|Selects the current line under the cursor (and any partially selected lines).| 
-| Ctrl-U|Decrease indent|Removes one tab or the amount of spaces of the tab width setting from the indentation of the current line or selection.| +|Alt-Shift-P|Select current paragraph|Selects the current paragraph under the cursor which is defined by two empty lines around it.| 
-| Ctrl-V (C)|Paste|Paste the clipboard text into the current document.| +|Ctrl-A (C)|Select all|Makes a selection of all text in the current document.| 
-| Ctrl-W (C)|Close|Closes the current file.| +|Control + Shift|Column mode editing (rectangular selections)|edits of the text within this selection will be done for every line in the selection.|  
-| Ctrl-X (C)|Cut|Cut the current selection to the clipboard.| +|Control + Alt|Column mode editing (rectangular selections)|edits of the text within this selection will be done for every line in the selection.| 
-| Ctrl-Y|Redo|Re-does the last action.| +|Ctrl-Shift-M|Mark All|Highlight all matches of the current word/selection in the current document with a colored box. If there's nothing to find, or the cursor is next to an existing match, the highlighted matches will be cleared.| 
-Ctrl-Z (C)|Undo|Un-does the last action.| +|Ctrl-M|Toggle marker|Set a marker on the current line, or clear the marker if there already is one.| 
-\\  +|Ctrl-,|Goto previous marker|Goto the previous marker in the current document.| 
-| Ctrl-Alt-P|Preferences|Opens preferences dialog.| +|Ctrl-.|Goto next marker|Goto the next marker in the current document.| 
-| Ctrl-Alt-U|Toggle case of selection|Changes the case of the selection. A lowercase selection will be changed into uppercase and vice versa. If the selection contains lower- and uppercase characters, all will be converted to lowercase.| +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
-\\  | + 
-| Ctrl-0|Zoom Reset|Reset any previous zoom on the text.| + 
-| Ctrl-1 (2,3)|Send to Custom Command 1 (2,3)|Passes the current selection to a configured external command (available for the first three configured commands, see Sending text through custom commands for details).| + 
-\\  | +==== CUT & PASTE ==== 
-| Ctrl-- (C)|Zoom Out|Zooms out the text.| + 
-| Ctrl-,|Goto previous marker|Goto the previous marker in the current document.| +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
-| Ctrl-.|Goto next marker|Goto the next marker in the current document.| +|Ctrl-(C)|Cut|Cut the current selection to the clipboard.| 
-| Ctrl-/|Go to Previous Word Part|Goto the previous part of the current word.| +|Ctrl-Shift-X|Cut current line(s)|Cuts the current line (and any lines with a selection) to the clipboard.| 
-Ctrl-\|Go to Next Word Part|Goto the next part of the current word.| +|Ctrl-C (C)|Copy|Copy the current selection to the clipboard.| 
-Ctrl-(C)|Zoom In|Zooms in the text.+|Ctrl-Shift-C|Copy current line(s)|Copies the current line (and any lines with a selection) to the clipboard.| 
-| \\ |  +|Ctrl-V (C)|Paste|Paste the clipboard text into the current document.| 
-| Ctrl-Space|Complete word|Shows the autocompletion list. If already showing tag completion, it shows document word completion instead, even if it is not enabled for automatic completion. Likewise if no tag suggestions are available, it shows document word completion.| +|Ctrl-D|Duplicate line or selection|Duplicates the current line or selection.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-Space|Show calltip|Shows a calltip for the current function or method.| +|Ctrl-Shift-Delete|Delete to line end|Deletes from the current caret position to the end of the current line.| 
-\\  +|Ctrl-K|Delete current line(s)|Deletes the current line (and any lines with a selection).| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-C|Copy current line(s)|Copies the current line (and any lines with a selectionto the clipboard.| +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-D|Find Document Usage|Finds all occurrences of the current word (near the keyboard cursoror selection in the current document and displays them in the messages window.| + 
-| Ctrl-Shift-E|Find Usage|Finds all occurrences of the current word (near the keyboard cursoror selection in all open documents and displays them in the messages window.| + 
-| Ctrl-Shift-F|Find in files|Opens the Find in files dialog.| + 
-| Ctrl-Shift-G|Find Previous|Finds previous result.| +====  EDITING ==== 
-| Ctrl-Shift-L|Scroll to current line|Scrolls the current line into the centre of the viewThe cursor position and or an existing selection will not be changed.| + 
-| Ctrl-Shift-M|Mark All|Highlight all matches of the current word/selection in the current document with a colored box. If there'nothing to find, or the cursor is next to an existing match, the highlighted matches will be cleared.| +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
-Ctrl-Shift-O|Open selected file|Opens the selected filename.| +|Shift-Alt-D|Insert date|Inserts a customisable date.
-| Ctrl-Shift-R|Reload symbol list|Reloads the tag/symbol list.| +|Ctrl-Shift-U, Unicode, Enter|Insert one special character|Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys together, press the U key, release the U key, release the Ctrl and Shift keys, type for example 2014, and then hit the Enter key.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-S|Save all|Saves all open files.| +|Ctrl-E|Toggle line commentation|Comments a line if it is not commented or removes a comment if the line is commented.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-T|Go to tag declaration|Jump to the declaration of the current word or selection. See Go to tag declaration.| +|Ctrl-Alt-U|Toggle case of selection|Changes the case of the selection. A lowercase selection will be changed into uppercase and vice versa. If the selection contains lower- and uppercase characters, all will be converted to lowercase.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-W|Close all|Closes all open files.| +|Tab|Word part completion|When the autocompletion list is visiblecomplete the currently selected item up to the next word part.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-X|Cut current line(s)|Cuts the current line (and any lines with a selection) to the clipboard.| +|Tab|Complete snippet|If you type a construct like if or for and press this key, it will be completed with a matching template.| 
-\\  +|Ctrl-I|Increase indent|Indents the current line or selection by one tab or by spaces in the amount of the tab width setting.| 
-Ctrl-PageUp (C)|Switch to left document|Switches to the previous open document.| +|Ctrl-U|Decrease indent|Removes one tab or the amount of spaces of the tab width setting from the indentation of the current line or selection.| 
-| Ctrl-Shift-PageUp|Move document left|Changes the current document with the left hand one.| +|Alt-PageUp|Move line(s) up|Move the current line or selected lines up by one line.| 
-\\  +|Alt-PageDown|Move line(sdown|Move the current line or selected lines down by one line.| 
-Ctrl-PageDown (C)|Switch to right document|Switches to the next open document.| +|Ctrl-Space|Complete word|Shows the autocompletion list. If already showing tag completion, it shows document word completion instead, even if it is not enabled for automatic completion. Likewise if no tag suggestions are available, it shows document word completion.| 
-Ctrl-Shift-PageDown|Move document right|Changes the current document with the right hand one.| +|Ctrl-Shift-T|Go to tag declaration|Jump to the declaration of the current word or selection. See Go to tag declaration.| 
-\\  +|Ctrl-T|Go to tag definition|Jump to the definition of the current word or selection. See Go to tag definition.
-| Ctrl-Return|Show macro list|Shows a list of available macros and variables in the workspace.| +|Ctrl-(C)|Undo|Un-does the last action.| 
-| Ctrl-Tab|Switch to last used document|Switches to the previously shown document (if it's still open). Holding Ctrl (or another modifier if the keybinding has been changedwill show a dialog, then repeated presses of the keybinding will switch to the 2nd-last used document, 3rd-last, etc. Also known as Most-Recently-Used documents switching.| +|Ctrl-Y|Redo|Re-does the last action.| 
-\\  +|Ctrl-H (C)|Replace|Opens the Replace dialog.| 
-Ctrl-Shift-Delete|Delete to line end|Deletes from the current caret position to the end of the current line.|+|Ctrl-1 (2,3)|Send to Custom Command 1 (2,3)|Passes the current selection to a configured external command (available for the first three configured commands, see Sending text through custom commands for details).| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-Space|Show calltip|Shows a calltip for the current function or method.| 
 +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
 +==== FILES ==== 
 +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
 +|Ctrl-N (C)|New|Creates a new file.| 
 +|Ctrl-O (C)|Open|Opens a file.| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-O|Open selected file|Opens the selected filename.| 
 +|Ctrl-R (C)|Reload file|Reloads the current fileAll unsaved changes will be lost.| 
 +|Ctrl-Tab|Switch to last used document|Switches to the previously shown document (if it'still open). Holding Ctrl (or another modifier if the keybinding has been changed) will show a dialogthen repeated presses of the keybinding will switch to the 2nd-last used document, 3rd-last, etc. Also known as Most-Recently-Used documents switching.| 
 +|Shift+F10|Open a dialog|The dialog is the same dialog when right-clicking on a tab-title. With the arrow-up/down-key of the keyboard there is the possibility to chose an entry. Then press enter to execute. Else press the Esc-key to let disappear the dialog.| 
 +|Ctrl-S (C)|Save|Saves the current file.| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-S|Save all|Saves all open files.| 
 +|Ctrl-W (C)|Close|Closes the current file.| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-W|Close all|Closes all open files.| 
 +|Ctrl-(C)|Print|Prints the current file.| 
 +|Ctrl-Q (C)|Quit|Quits Geany.
 +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
 +==== BUILD, MAKE, & COMPILE ==== 
 +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
 +|Ctrl-Alt-P|Preferences|Opens preferences dialog.| 
 +|F9|Build|Builds (compiles if necessary and links) the current file.
 +|Shift-F8|Make object|Compiles the current file with the Make tool.| 
 +|Shift-F9|Make all|Builds the current file with the Make tool.| 
 +|F8|Compile|Compiles the current file.| 
 +|F5|Run|Executes the current file in a terminal emulation.
 +|Ctrl-Return|Show macro list|Shows a list of available macros and variables in the workspace.| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-F9|Make custom target|Builds the current file with the Make tool and a given target.| 
 +|Ctrl-Shift-R|Reload symbol list|Reloads the tag/symbol list.| 
 +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
 +==== ALSO ==== 
 +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
 +|F2|Switch to Editor|Switches to editor widget. Also reshows the document statistics line (after a short timeout).
 +|F4|Switch to VTE|Switches to VTE widget.| 
 +|F6|Switch to Scribble|Switches to scribble widget.| 
 +|F1 (C)|Help|Opens the manual.| 
 +===== System and keyboard specific shortcuts ===== 
 +Shortcuts in this section are not part of Geany but provided by some systems and by some keyboards. So, it can be that the following shortcuts don't work on some systems or keyboards. 
 +^Shortcut keys^Action^Description^ 
 +|Alt Gr-character|Insert one special character|Press on the keyboard at the same time the Alt Gr key and one symbol key, like a number or a letter.
 +|Alt Gr-Shift-character|Insert one special character|Press on the keyboard at the same time the Alt Gr key, the Shift key and one symbol key, like a number or a letter.| 
 {{tag>howto keyboard shortcuts}} {{tag>howto keyboard shortcuts}}