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howtos:maven [2015/02/05 11:05] – created dgmhowtos:maven [2015/05/07 09:00] (current) – Modify build commands to take advantage use of the custom text pop-up. dgm
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 Go to Geany's Project configuration Window (//Project// > //Properties//), and then to the //Build// tab. Here you can set the //Independent Commands// section with the following values: Go to Geany's Project configuration Window (//Project// > //Properties//), and then to the //Build// tab. Here you can set the //Independent Commands// section with the following values:
-| 1. | _Package | mvn package | %p | +| 1. | _Compile | mvn compile | %p | 
-| 2. | _Compile | mvn compile | %p |+| 2. | _Other targets | mvn | %p |
 | 3. | _Test | mvn test | %p | | 3. | _Test | mvn test | %p |
-| 4. | _Deploy | mvn deploy | %p | +| 4. | _Package | mvn package | %p | 
-| Error Regular Expression || \[ERROR\] (.+):\[([0-9]+),[0-9]+\].+ ||+| Error Regular Expression || ''\[ERROR\] ([^:\[]+):?\[([0-9]+)'' || 
 +With this setup you can invoke a Maven and compile your project with **Shift**+**F9**and run your unit tests with **Shift**+**F8**. With the shortcut **Ctrl**+**Shift**+**F9** a pop-up window will allow you to specify other targets, such as ''clean'' or ''deploy''. Any error will appear in red in the //Compiler// window, and double-clicking on that line will bring the editor to the reported position. 
 +Note that it is assumed that your POM file is located in the project's root directory. If it is not the case, modify the working directory column to suit. You can get more help on customizing the build options in Geany from the page [[:howtos:configurebuildmenu]].
-(You can get more help on customizing the build options in Geany from the page [[:howtos:configurebuildmenu]].) 
-Note that it is assumed that your POM file is located in the project's root directory. If it is not the case, modify the working directory column to suit. 
-With this setup you can invoke a Maven and run your unit tests by pressing **Shift**+**F8**. Any error will appear in red in the //Compiler// window, and double-clicking on that line will bring the editor to the reported position. 
 {{tag>howto java}} {{tag>howto java}}