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howtos:geany_and_django [2014/02/02 10:35] enricohowtos:geany_and_django [2014/02/02 10:49] (current) – Add an example for fne tuned styling enrico
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 will be styled with //python_identifier// and the spaces between with will be styled with //python_identifier// and the spaces between with
 //python_default//. //python_default//.
 +<file ini ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.html>
 +# foreground;background;bold;italic or named_style,bold,italic
 +The example above makes ''{%'' and ''%}'' styled in red (#ff0000) and the words in between will be styled with the named-style //keyword_1// (which is by default dark blue) and renders it in italic.
 For more information about configuring styles, please check the manual [[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#filetype-configuration|Geany manual, section Filetype configuration]]. For more information about configuring styles, please check the manual [[http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#filetype-configuration|Geany manual, section Filetype configuration]].