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config:json [2015/01/31 17:07] – Add instructions to pretty print JSON enricoconfig:json [2015/04/08 23:38] (current) – Add a tip that Geany 1.25 has the filetype builtin colombanw
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 ====== JSON Filetype ====== ====== JSON Filetype ======
 +<WRAP center round tip 60%>
 +Starting with version 1.25, Geany has a built-in JSON filetype.
 JSON files are intended for serializing data objects, but are sometimes used as configuration files.  JSON syntax is mostly a subset of JavaScript syntax and therefore the JavaScript lexer can be used for it. JSON files are intended for serializing data objects, but are sometimes used as configuration files.  JSON syntax is mostly a subset of JavaScript syntax and therefore the JavaScript lexer can be used for it.