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config:gnuplot [2013/11/20 04:39] – Typo 12345ieeeconfig:gnuplot [2013/12/19 11:48] (current) 12345ieee
Line 48: Line 48:
 [keywords] [keywords]
 # all items must be in one line # all items must be in one line
-variables=using with linecolor lc linetype lt linewidth lw linestyle ls line at cos sin tan sum  errorbars xerrorbars yerrorbars xyerrorbars pointtype pointsize +variables=using with linecolor lc linetype lt linewidth lw linestyle ls line at cos sin tan sum via errorbars xerrorbars yerrorbars xyerrorbars pointtype pointsize 
 functions=plot replot print set unset reset fit functions=plot replot print set unset reset fit
-lables=terminal output title samples style label xlabel ylabel xrange yrange grid border datafile multiplot origin size keyvia +lables=terminal output title samples style label xlabel ylabel xrange yrange grid border datafile multiplot origin size key logscale
 userdefined=rgb postscript eps lines userdefined=rgb postscript eps lines