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config:dockerfile [2019/06/23 20:00] – Version 0.2 janaxconfig:dockerfile [2019/06/24 20:51] (current) – Note to use combined Dockerfile and docker-compose janax
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 ==== Dockerfile Filetype ===== ==== Dockerfile Filetype =====
 +=== NOTE :   ===
 +**Please use the combined [[config:docker-compose]]** \\
 +Dockerfiles and docker-compose filetypes are now merged into one filetype. Therefore this filetype for only Dockerfiles files will not be kept updated. \\
 +Go to the filetype [[config:docker-compose]] instead.   
 **Dockerfile**  is a file format used to build [[http://www.docker.com|Docker]] images.\\ **Dockerfile**  is a file format used to build [[http://www.docker.com|Docker]] images.\\