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config:crystal [2020/11/24 16:24] – Add Proc type j8rconfig:crystal [2021/01/27 23:01] (current) – Add Deque j8r
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 secondary=abstract abort exit self initialize finalize private protected p pp print puts raise new is_a to_a to_f to_f32 to_f64 to_h to_i to_i8 to_i16 to_i32 to_i64 to_i128 to_u to_u8 to_u16 to_u32 to_u64 to_u128 to_s to_unsafe first last shift pop starts_with ends_with empty each as secondary=abstract abort exit self initialize finalize private protected p pp print puts raise new is_a to_a to_f to_f32 to_f64 to_h to_i to_i8 to_i16 to_i32 to_i64 to_i128 to_u to_u8 to_u16 to_u32 to_u64 to_u128 to_s to_unsafe first last shift pop starts_with ends_with empty each as
 # types, classes  # types, classes 
-globalclass=Any Array ArrayLiteral Bool BoolLiteral Bytes Char Enumerable Float32 Float64 Hash Indexable Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128 NamedTuple NamedTupleLiteral Nil NilLiteral NumberLiteral Path Pointer Proc Regex RegexLiteral Set Slice StaticArray String StringLiteral Symbol SymbolLiteral Tuple TupleLiteral UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt128+globalclass=Any Array ArrayLiteral Bool BoolLiteral Bytes Char Deque Enumerable Float32 Float64 Hash Indexable Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128 NamedTuple NamedTupleLiteral Nil NilLiteral NumberLiteral Path Pointer Proc Regex RegexLiteral Set Slice StaticArray String StringLiteral Symbol SymbolLiteral Tuple TupleLiteral UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt128
 [settings] [settings]