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config:all_you_never_wanted_to_know_about_file_saving [2019/05/28 05:20] – Emphasized that use_atomic_file_saving overrides use_gio_unsafe_file_saving vstepaniukconfig:all_you_never_wanted_to_know_about_file_saving [2019/05/28 05:38] (current) – gio_unsafe_save_backup vstepaniuk
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   * Uses Geany's own code so it can be modified.   * Uses Geany's own code so it can be modified.
-If use_atomic_file_saving is set, use_gio_file_saving is ignored and Geany will use an atomic file save method.  This means that the file is first written to a temporary file, then renamed to the existing file name.  On most file systems rename is atomic, that is it succeeds completely or nothing will change, especially on modern journalling systems.  This functionality is provided and maintained by the Glib library.+If use_atomic_file_saving is set, use_gio_unsafe_file_saving is ignored and Geany will use an atomic file save method.  This means that the file is first written to a temporary file, then renamed to the existing file name.  On most file systems rename is atomic, that is it succeeds completely or nothing will change, especially on modern journalling systems.  This functionality is provided and maintained by the Glib library.
 Advantages: Advantages:
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 Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
-  * Only works if use_gio_unsafe_file_saving is in operation, **remember use_atomic_file_saving overrides it**.+  * Only works if ''use_gio_unsafe_file_saving'' is in enabled and ''use_atomic_file_saving'' is disabled (''use_atomic_file_saving'' **overrides** ''use_gio_unsafe_file_saving'').
   * Uses twice the disk space.   * Uses twice the disk space.
   * Can be slow on remote filesystems as it may have to read and write data to create the backup if renaming fails.   * Can be slow on remote filesystems as it may have to read and write data to create the backup if renaming fails.