===== Changing Geany window title text ===== The idea is that I regularly work on a couple of repos at the same time, and can have like five Geany windows open, with three of them showing say 'requirements.txt - [...'. I'd prefer to have the window title to start with the project name so I know which window is which project. I thought of patching Geany itself like https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/290, but I am not really proficient in C, so I went for weird Python/Xfce solution. Here it is: 1. Run: sudo apt install wmctrl xdotool 2. Save this script anywhere, name it anything, mine is '~/scripts/change geany titles.py' import subprocess from time import sleep while True: windows_details = subprocess.run(['wmctrl', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('UTF-8') for window_details in windows_details.splitlines(): window_id, _, title = window_details.split(maxsplit=2) if '] - Geany' in title: new_title = title[title.find(' [')+2:].replace(' (new instance)', '').replace(']','') subprocess.run(['xdotool', 'set_window', '--name', new_title, window_id]) sleep(0.1) 3. To autostart this, as I use Xfce, I created this '~/.config/autostart/geany titles.desktop' file: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=0.9.4 Type=Application Name=geany titles Comment=change geany window titles to start with the project Exec=python3 "/home//scripts/change geany titles.py" OnlyShowIn=XFCE; StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false Hope this helps somebody :)