====== JSON Filetype ====== Starting with version 1.25, Geany has a built-in JSON filetype. JSON files are intended for serializing data objects, but are sometimes used as configuration files. JSON syntax is mostly a subset of JavaScript syntax and therefore the JavaScript lexer can be used for it. Add this to the ''filetype_extensions.conf'' file (''...'' means existing data): [Extensions] ... JSON=*.json ... [Groups] ... Misc=JSON ... And create a new filedef named ''filetypes.JSON.conf'' with the following contents: [styling=C] [keywords] primary=true false null [settings] lexer_filetype=Javascript extension=json mime_type=application/json [indentation] #width=4 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces #type=1 === Build Commands === For people using Unix, the following will be helpful for checking your JSON files for correctness. #!/bin/sh if which python >/dev/null ; then python -m json.tool <"$1" 2>&1 >/dev/null \ | sed 's/^\([^:]*\): line \(.*\)/'"$1"':\2: \1/' elif which perl >/dev/null ; then perl -MJSON -e 'local $/;decode_json();' <"$1" 2>&1 >/dev/null \ |sed 's/^\(.*\) at .e line 1, .STDIN. [^ ]* \([0-9]*\)/'"$1"':\2: \1/;' else echo "No known JSON parsers found" >&2 exit 1 fi In Geany, go to the Build menu and 'Set Build Commands...' and use ''/usr/local/bin/check_json %f'' as the compile command, and ''([^:]+):([0-9]+)'' as the Error Regular Expression. === Pretty Printing === Assuming you have Python installed, pretty printing (aka formatting) of JSON is very easy with Geany: * Python is required (works with Python 2 and 3) * Configure Geany: Edit->Format->Send Selection to->Set Custom Commands * In the dialog add a new command and simply use: //python -mjson.tool// To use this, select some string in Geany and use Edit->Format->Send Selection to-> and Geany will replace the string by the converted version. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl- in case your command is one of the first three configured commands. For details, read the [[http://www.geany.org/manual/#sending-text-through-custom-commands|documentation about Send Selection to commands]]. {{tag>configure json filetype}} ~~NOTOC~~