[styling=Ruby] [keywords] primary=abstract alias as as? asm begin break case class def do else elsif end ensure enum extend false for fun if in include instance_sizeof is_a? lib macro module next nil nil? of out pointerof private protected require rescue return select self sizeof struct super then true type typeof uninitialized union unless until when while with yield identifiers=__DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __END_LINE__ [lexer_properties=Ruby] [settings=Ruby] lexer_filetype=Ruby tag_parser=Ruby extension=cr [build-menu] FT_00_LB=_Build FT_00_CM=crystal build "%f" FT_00_WD= EX_00_LB=_Run EX_00_CM=crystal run "%f" EX_00_WD= EX_01_LB=_Execute EX_01_CM="./%e" EX_01_WD=